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Work Together, Enjoy Together.


Glocal Mitaka is a place where people with different languages, cultures, backgrounds and interests come together and contribute to the local community. 


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Children 子ども

We provide opportunities for kids to experience the true colors of diversity and open their eyes to new perspectives and cultures. Being able to interact with diversity and multiple cultures at a young age will result in shaping childrens’ attitude toward diversity, which will ultimately allow them to become leaders and contributors to a sustainable society. However, the most important thing is for both the staff and children to have fun!



 Global 国際

We work on projects with people from diverse backgrounds and exchange students to hold activities such as story-telling with students, one-day home visiting programs, and Kaiwa Lounge. Also, we have also held online activities to keep in touch with our fellow exchange students who have participated in our programs previously. With the online platform, we are able to connect former students with children and continue the exchange of cultural interactions. By even just conversing with people of different backgrounds help both children and participating staff to meet ideas and perspectives to things.

留学生や多様な文化的背景を持つ人が集まり「留学生の絵本お話会」などの活動を通して一緒に地域貢献したり、「Home Visit」や「Kaiwa Lounge」で交流したりしています。異なる立場や背景を持つ人が一緒に活動することによって、新しい世界観や経験を共有し合うことができます。

Environment 環境

We work on gardening and plant flower pots by the nearby parks in order to “think green” starting from the small things surrounding us. Through the interaction with the local people in the community and students, we are able to deepen our relationship and have an open discussion on ways to create a sustainable community. Additionally, workshops and projects regarding SDGs are carried out to trigger conversations and actions towards environmental conservation.



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