Join Us
At Glocal Mitaka, you are provided with countless opportunities to express your interests. Children, community, environmental issues, SDGs, cultural exchange, language, dance and peace are some keywords that you might be able to explore with us. However, participants are always free to bring new ideas and suggestions. Join Glocal Mitaka, if you would like to openly exchange opinions and explore your interests.
自分の興味や関心を通して地域に貢献できる機会がGlocalみたかには沢山あります。子ども、コミュニティ、環境問題、SDGs、異文化交流、言語、アート、平和.... また、Glocalみたかでは、学生自らが新しい活動のアイディアや提案をして、実施することができます。様々な背景を持つ人々とオープンに意見を交わし合い、自分の興味や関心を通して地域に貢献したい方は、ぜひGlocalみたかへどうぞ。
Glocal Mitaka welcomes exchange students from all over the world. Participants with different race, language, religion and background work together to contribute to the local community. In fact, it is those differences that strengthens
Glocal Mitaka.
List of countries: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Egypt, France, Guyana, India, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam, Zimbabwe
Voices from exchange students
Gwyn (Australia, Switzerland)
I learned to respect the impact we can have on individuals or small groups… small-scale projects can be very fulfilling … I value other people’s efforts to make the world a better place
Angela (Columbia)
Japanese children were very smart and open to learning about my culture… we danced and they got a sense of the joy of my culture. I was so touched and inspired by their joy, curiosity and discipline... I surely will treasure those smiles with me for a long time.
Meo (Vietnam)
... learned how to recognize the smallest changes in the wind. Thanks to all the enjoyable activities that I had with them, I have been growing and glowing for a better me, and my heart bloomed to its fullest.